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My heraldry progress

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Sir Edward:
Thanks, glad you like it. :)  I didn't get the stencils done this weekend, so it may end up waiting til after I get back from NCRF. I don't want to rush it. But I did manage to replace the strap on the shield with one with a buckle, so I can at least wear it with my colors and not have it hang down over my butt instead of up on my back. :)

Sir Brian:
Status update if you please Sir Ed!

How is your Shield coming along?

Sir Edward:

Well, I haven't had much time for projects in general, so the droid, shield, chausses, etc, are all sort of stagnating this month.

However, I went through the preliminary registering of my heraldry while I was at Pennsic (as I said in another thread,  mostly just to help protect the uniqueness, so at least I won't see someone else in the SCA crowd using it).

So now I definitely want to get back to work on painting the charges. I've got some stenciling to do! And MDRF is rapidly approaching. Time to buckle down and get to work.

Sir Brian:
Not to or anything like that, but how's the charges coming on the shield?

I only ask because that creme based paint takes a good 24 hours to dry and the weekend
is rapidly approaching! ;)

Sir Edward:

Yeah, I was thinking about working on it last night, but got sidetracked by assembling my new workbench and repairing my crossbow (it shook itself apart a bit at Pennsic). Maybe Thursday I'll get cracking on that some more. It's the dragon part that scares me, since I need to try to mix paints to approximate the color, and it's a very detailed little design! :)

But it'll be nice to not have people assuming it's the Estonian flag on my back. :)  That's happened twice now.


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