Main > The Round Table

My heraldry progress

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Sir Brian:
How about an update on your progress Sir Edward?

Yes I'm impatient and anxious to see how the stencils worked out!  ;D

Sir Edward:

Heh, I got distracted for the last week by the droid project. :) I did however get some more rings clipped out and ready for the final push to finish out the length of my hauberk. I'm going to be spending some time this weekend catching up on projects, though, so hopefully I'll be able to make some progress on the shield. I can try the dragon stencil I cut out, but I'll still need to make them for the sword and ankh. For the ankh, I have one I can trace that's about the right size. The sword will need to be designed, but that's a simpler object than a dragon. :)

Sir Brian:
Are you going to apply your charges onto your surcoat as well?

If so then Michaels also has some good fabric paints as well.
Just reuse the stencils from your shield. The sponge type of
applicator worked best for me when I stenciled fabric.  ;)

Sir Edward:
I probably will at some point, but I want to make some more surcoats first. I may try to match the color a little more with the fabric, I just haven't decided yet.

I just got done designing my sword, so now I need to transfer that and the ankh to stencil form.

Updated my CoA with the new graphics and colors:

Original version with place-holder graphics, for comparison:

Sir Brian:
Oh yeah! Now your talking! That looks great!

Man MDRF can't get here fast enough!  ;)
But I know you need the time to finish with all your other
projects! - I'm actually out of projects at the moment and
envy you your business!  :)

Ah well maybe it is time for me to get back into
painting miniatures!  :-\

Great job on the COA.


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