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My heraldry progress

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Sir Edward:

Well, I decided I like the blue and will keep it. I went to Michael's and color-matched it. The "Azure Blue" is the closest match, so I bought some of that in acrylic and enamel to experiment. Also got some other blues to mix in if I want to tweak it a little. Also got some stencil material and adhesive. I'll post pics once I get a chance to actually get started on the painting.

Sir Brian:
Good luck and go carefully! Use that green painted plate I sent with
you shield for a few practice runs!  ;)

Sir Edward:

I tried some of the paints I picked up just to see how smoothly they apply on that green plate. It's interesting, it's fairly transparent. I may have to paint several coats or something.

I tried cutting out the stencil using plastic stencil material. The edges may be slightly more rough than I was hoping. Hopefully it'll work out OK! :)

Sir Brian:
Did you try any of those cream type of paints? Michaels has some paints that are thicker
than hand cream and you can apply them with a stiff bristled brush. The paint takes 24
hours to dry and will actually have a slightly textured flat finish. It's what I used on my
shield charges and it worked great in a single coat and it doesn't run under the stencil.

Here is two products you absolutely MUST have for the best results!
Stencil Adhesive:
Stencil Paint Crème:

I just realized I may have told you previously that they were acrylic based instead of oil-based.
Sorry if that caused you some confusion!  :-[

Seriously try that creme paint...You will be much happy with the control of the paint.

Sir Edward:

OK, I'll go back and look for those. I bought some of this:

They have lots of acrylics in their paint aisle. These were in a different aisle, and marked as "enamel", though they're still water-based acrylics. I bought both, and sure enough the plain acrylic is too watery and slides around on the test surface. The "enamel" versions stick well, but go on semi-transparent and it's hard to get it on evenly.

So I'll definitely try the cream stuff if I can find it.


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