Main > The Round Table

My heraldry progress

<< < (11/13) > >>

Sir Wolf:
wow that is awesome

Sir Brian:
It's even better in person! Bravo Ed and well done!
Well done indeed!  ;D

Sir Edward:

Thank you muchly! It's been a long, long road. :)

Sir Edward:

At Pennsic last year, I registered my heraldry with the SCA heralds, to help protect the uniqueness. Well, I just got a letter this week that it's been accepted and is official! (it takes them this long, yes, since they have to review it against all other registered heraldry, etc).

Sir Brian:
Huzzah! Congratulations Sir Edward!  ;D

Alas I must change mine if I ever hope to get it accepted by the SCA...
...Naw, too much damn work to change the shield and surcoat!  ;)


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