Main > The Round Table

Gifts for the kids

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Sir Brian:

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2009-10-14, 15:32:10 ---
Well, I dug out my gold doubloons and set them aside with my armor. It looks like most of the pouches I have are a bit big for this purpose.

Sir Brian, if you do indeed have a spare, it looks like I could use it!

--- End quote ---

I will locate it for you Sir Edward and have it for you on closing day...that is when you plan to attend
next time yes?

Sir Edward:

Indeed so. *sigh* just one day left!

Sir Robert:
Sir Brian

I love this idea, it would be fantastic for the kids and likely be at least a highlight of their day. I think I too will, borrow this idea for next season. I was thinking about something simular seeing that I have lots of scrap metal around that could be turned into pendents- etched with a knights seal or something- and by the way- this is an actual chunk of armor...maybe I'll still do something like that if I have the time but the gold coins are fantastic ideas! :)

Sir Brian:
That's a cool idea as well! I think a young lad would be quite impressed with a "piece" of your
armor!  :)

Sir William:

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2009-10-13, 13:58:48 ---
Yeah, I think this is all a fantastic idea. If when I was a kid, a knight had knelt down to speak to me and give me a gold coin, I'd probably still have it to this day.

The gold dollars are great because they're real money. The doubloons have the virtue of looking a little more period and being slightly cheaper. I think both ways are great. :)

--- End quote ---

I got a buddy who does just that...goes with the gold dollar coins; gets a bunch and he pays for everything in the Faire that he buys with those.  Kinda puts him in the spirit of things...I'm thinking of doing the same.


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