Main > The Round Table

Gifts for the kids

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Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Sir Brian on 2009-10-13, 18:46:22 ---Strange? What makes you think our group was strange?  ;)

--- End quote ---

Nice helmet!

Sir Wolf:
Mary Ann is a nice lady. hehe

hey dark helmet ;)

Sir Edward:

Well, I dug out my gold doubloons and set them aside with my armor. It looks like most of the pouches I have are a bit big for this purpose.

Sir Brian, if you do indeed have a spare, it looks like I could use it!

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Sir Wolf on 2009-10-13, 23:41:25 ---Mary Ann is a nice lady. hehe

--- End quote ---

Yes, she is. Most of the cast members I've met are pretty nice. Usually just as crazy as us playtrons though. :)

Sir Matthew:
Lord Bailey the Templer at PaRF gives out the plastic gold coins to the kids.  I keep my pouch with me coins and gems in my snapsack so it is really hard for me to give the kids anything.  Besides, that would really cut into my gambling funds, and the way my luck at table has been the last few weeks, I need all the coins I can get for that :-\ . 


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