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Persona profiles

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Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Sir Wolf on 2009-08-14, 15:19:54 ---really cool! can't wait. hehe maybe I can put all my personas up hehe got that much bandwidth? ;)

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lol! Well, the text blocks are allowed to be fairly large. If you devoted a paragraph to each, you could probably do it. lol!

Sir Wolf:

--- Quote from: Sir Brian on 2009-08-14, 16:10:45 ---THAT many? ~ You could be considered the "Sybil" of the ages! :D

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5th century BC Greek
3rd century BC Roman
2nd century BC Celt
1st century BC Roman
1st century AD Roman
3rd century AD Roman
4th century AD Roman
5th century AD Frank
8th century AD Saxon
9th century AD Viking
10th century AD Irish
11th century AD Norman
12th/13th century AD Hospitaller
13th/14th century AD knight
15th century AD Archer
15th century AD Billman
WWII US Infantry (Ranger)

Sir Gerard de Rodes:
Well well well.
I`ve been off the net for a little while and haven`t you been busy bees lol. I feel very proud that a few of you (who I consider my peers) have felt inspired.

Sir Brian, that really is a nice piece of work. You have mixed factual research with imaginative, interesting fiction and thrown in a little artistic licence to tailor your persona to be suitable to your hoby. I like it alot. It`s very similar to what members of our group have endeavoured to achieve ( you have put some of our guys to shame by the way lol).

Madmanpsu, Another very thorough and informative bit of work. It has all the things needed to arm you for any questions that MOPs might throw at you.
I like the way you have both gone into the smaller and deeper details of your personas life.

Some times it really isn`t as easy as just portraying an actual character from history, because sometimes they simply aint interesting enough or they are so well known, or their life is so well documented, that there is simply no room for bending their story to suit what ever event, or location, you are re-enacting at the time. We found that choosing a relatively unknown personality gives you that flexability.
Well done guys.

I`m just about to have a look at Sir Eds bits  :-\

Sir Gerard de Rodes:
Sir Ed,
 What a great idea. Hope you get a persona together soon ( I`m sure it will be amaizing)
Just one question, (I`m a PC idiot) how do I upload my persona onto that section ???


Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Sir Gerard de Rodes on 2009-08-14, 19:52:16 ---Sir Ed,
 What a great idea. Hope you get a persona together soon ( I`m sure it will be amaizing)
Just one question, (I`m a PC idiot) how do I upload my persona onto that section ???


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While you're still logged into the forum, just click through to the Knight Pages, then you should see an "edit" button up near the top. That'll give you a link to create and then edit your page. You can just paste your text into the provided input boxes.


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