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Author Topic: Ever go" Nope, not gonna be one of them"?  (Read 13363 times)


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Ever go" Nope, not gonna be one of them"?
« on: 2018-01-18, 17:16:11 »
Have you ever had the feeling that the more you talk to the knights of a particular reenactment/medieval group, the less you would want to be one?
How can the Order keep that from happening?
Fall down seven, get up eight.

Sir Nate

  • Nathan
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Re: Ever go" Nope, not gonna be one of them"?
« Reply #1 on: 2018-02-10, 00:19:32 »
Have you ever had the feeling that the more you talk to the knights of a particular reenactment/medieval group, the less you would want to be one?
How can the Order keep that from happening?
I've always heard bad things about the SCA, enough so that I don't want to try and be a part of it at this time. Not because I doubt most of the people being good people, but Its not something Im even interested in all that much, and Id rather no deal with the drama.
I think whats important for any group is open dialogue among members. If a member is being unreasonably strict or harsh on newcomers, its the responsibility of fellow members to speak with that individual. If most of the members of that group are stuck up, I would just avoid dealing with them.
Nathan Phillip Max
Knight of the Order
"Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil"