UPDATE:We will have lots of HEMA friends joining us this season! This will enable us to set up a fighter rotation so nobody gets overheated/exhausted having to fight in every show and some of us will even be able to skip a show or two! Its good to have a deep bench to draw from!

So far I have confirmed that on May 20th, Chris Wheeler and Samantha Miller will be joining our fight rotation. Paul Kartage might be able to join us on following weekends. All three are highly skilled with the longsword, single-stick, and polish saber, while Chris and Paul are also proficient with the rapier.
Another couple of HEMA friends from MASHS could be joining us on May 21st and June 3rd or 4th. Stephen Clement and Isaiah Baden-Payne are highly skilled rapier fencers which would be an awesome expansion into other HEMA disciplines.
I know Sir James is trying to entice the godfather of HEMA and Harnischfechten, Bob Charrette to come and destroy us all in his beautiful 16th Century tank harness!