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                -- Scott O'Grady

Author Topic: South Coast Swords Resolution  (Read 7593 times)


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South Coast Swords Resolution
« on: 2017-04-06, 03:11:13 »
I don't know how to delete this thread so I modified it to explain that SCS has made an offer to resolve the problem. I have accepted their offer and therefore I want to delete my public complaints. If SCS follows through on their new offer I will be more than willing to recommend them and thus will keep everyone updated.
« Last Edit: 2017-04-06, 22:28:45 by jason77 »
"Love everybody, but never sell your sword" - Paul Coelho


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Re: South Coast Swords Sucks!
« Reply #1 on: 2017-04-06, 18:05:47 »
Thanks for the heads up, I will make sure to send my cash to Purpleheart and stick with my plan to just make my gambeson by hand.

As for the other bit- The HEMA Alliance is a 'beggar', and a snobby one at that, and beggars can't be choosers. It is now discovering the problems of armor's that the SCA has had for years. No they didn't listen to SCA folks when we tried to warn them due to HEMA prejudice against the SCA back then (and still now).

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« Reply #2 on: 2017-04-06, 20:56:24 »
Can the admin please delete this thread. Thanks
« Last Edit: 2017-04-06, 22:30:19 by jason77 »
"Love everybody, but never sell your sword" - Paul Coelho