"To educate a man in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to society."
                -- Theodore Roosevelt

Author Topic: FS/FT: Hanwei Pecoraro sabre rapier  (Read 11354 times)


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FS/FT: Hanwei Pecoraro sabre rapier
« on: 2015-07-15, 23:03:43 »
I have a Paul Chen Hanwei Pecoraro Sabre/Rapier.

MSRP: $200.00

Overall: 40 ¼”
Blade Length: 34”
Handle Length: 5 ¾”
Weight: 1lb 5oz

Though this actual sword has not seen any combat, this same type has been used for HEMA and SCA groups. You should check with your local barony or shire. As i said, this sword was bought for that purpose but never saw the light of day out of the box. Life just got too busy.


It's the third sword down.

Asking $180 shipped in CONUS

i also have a handmade leather gorget- ain't fancy, but I've upgraded. would go for $15 shipped. should fit a neck size between 16 and 18

I would also consider trading for an SCA legal bascinet or great helm typical of the 14th century