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Author Topic: Bring Back Old Practices  (Read 13769 times)

Aiden of Oreland

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Bring Back Old Practices
« on: 2015-02-22, 04:52:25 »
 So, apparently a group of people from Australia are trying to resurrect using martial combat as a sport. In this case in a gladiator style. It's really quite interesting and it looks like this is a great chance for old western martial arts to be brought back into practice. At least in a larger usage than it is now. A piece of the article said, 'UWM Lorica Gold and Lorica Red action“Our objective,” he says, “is to promote a new global combat sport with weapons. So the unified in Unified Weapons Master is about bringing all the different weapons arts from all around the world together in a single competition. There’s roughly 300 distinct martial arts practiced around the world, and of those styles, 96 of them are either entirely weapons-based, or have a significant amount of weapons-based training in their curriculum. What we want to do is bring all of those styles together in a competition, much like UFC did with mixed martial arts.”' May I add this will be great to see western martial arts thrown up against Japanese and other popular martial arts. I would love to try and partake in this sport. What is really amazing is the Lorica, at least that's what they are calling the suit, which has high tech sensors to have a real time impact records. I'm actually excited about this.

« Last Edit: 2015-02-22, 21:12:13 by Page Aiden »
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Sir James A

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Re: Bring Back Old Practices
« Reply #1 on: 2015-02-22, 16:37:23 »
Excellent :)

Lorica is a roman (I think) style of body armor. Lorica segmentata, I've heard of. Probably why they use that name for the suit, since they are doing gladiatorial style.

Combat between two different arts is neat.
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Re: Bring Back Old Practices
« Reply #2 on: 2015-02-22, 16:47:45 »
Lorica is a roman (I think) style of body armor. Lorica segmentata, I've heard of. Probably why they use that name for the suit, since they are doing gladiatorial style.

"Lorica" is just the Latin for "body armor" in general.    The big three Roman armors everyone thinks of are Lorica Segmantata (their segmented plate armor), Lorica Hamata (the maille shirts) and Lorica Squamata (scale).
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Re: Bring Back Old Practices
« Reply #3 on: 2015-02-22, 18:48:52 »
UWM has been trying to get off the ground for a few years now. I've not seen a big "let's do that!" response from folks.
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Sir Nate

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Re: Bring Back Old Practices
« Reply #4 on: 2015-02-23, 02:29:36 »
Nathan Phillip Max
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Re: Bring Back Old Practices
« Reply #5 on: 2015-02-23, 05:25:12 »
Sign me up! I'm almost as interested in looking like a NCR Veteran Ranger from Fallout NV than I am in the actual combat!
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Sir Nate

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Re: Bring Back Old Practices
« Reply #6 on: 2015-02-24, 23:23:22 »
Sign me up! I'm almost as interested in looking like a NCR Veteran Ranger from Fallout NV than I am in the actual combat!
Or the Super soldier from Crysis. Or the Super soldier from like, any modern video game.
Personally Id rather look like a knight if I had to do this sort of stuff. But I wouldn't know where to find people like that. :P
Nathan Phillip Max
Knight of the Order
"Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil"