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"Order of the Marshal" in Latin?

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Sir Nate:
Thank you Baron

Hey Mike, while the offer for epic poems stands, could you real quick give me a translation of the Aeneid, with grammatical forms, lexical definitions and structure commentary? Would be a big help for Latin 104!  ;)
I'm a student of Latin (on my fourth class) and I can verify, Mike's translations are spot on.
Great translation, man. I'm glad to see I might have some use for my Latin courses outside of my comps.

Mike W.:
I translated the first two books of the Aenied in my Latin poetry class. That was mind numbing. Latin's got all these rules and exceptions to those rules, just like English. But when you turn it into poetry, nothing makes sense. Virgil had a way of screwing up absolutely everything. He is every Latin student's worst nightmare. But I would be more than happy to help if you need it.

And no, there is no use for Latin, outside of turning you into a grammer Nazi.

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Baron de Magnan on 2015-02-02, 15:30:09 ---I translated the first two books of the Aenied in my Latin poetry class. That was mind numbing. Latin's got all these rules and exceptions to those rules, just like English. But when you turn it into poetry, nothing makes sense. Virgil had a way of screwing up absolutely everything. He is every Latin student's worst nightmare. But I would be more than happy to help if you need it.

And no, there is no use for Latin, outside of turning you into a grammer Nazi.

--- End quote ---

* Grammar


Mike W.:
I didn't say spelling Nazi!


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