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"Order of the Marshal" in Latin?

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Sir Douglas:
Just what it says on the tin. Would anybody happen to know how one would properly render "Order of the Marshal" in Latin? I wanted to incorporate it in a project I'm working on, but I don't know much Latin, and I don't trust Google translate to get it right. :P


Sir James A:
Possession in latin is a rough one. I took two years, and didn't completely grasp it. Found a page that might help some, since it isn't a one-for-one translation:

Sir Wolf:
ordera ofa thea marshala

Lord Dane:

--- Quote from: Sir Wolf on 2015-01-10, 15:09:07 ---ordera ofa thea marshala

--- End quote ---

Is that an attempt at the feminine form of Spanish, ancient Greek (in a fraternal dialect), or your native language of GOAT Latin (or was it pig - I forget the animal)?? :P

Sir Wolf:
piga latina


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