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New Years Resolutions

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Sir Rodney:
#1 Not die

#2 Get in shape (see item #1)

#3 Lose 25 pounds (see item #1)

#4 Make armour for my children

#5 Teach my children to fight SCA children’s rules (boffer)

Aiden of Oreland:
My list is pretty basic:

1) Gain 10+ pounds of muscle for tree work and combat
2) Eat healthy and cut back on soda
3) Read (at least) one book a month
4) Do all of my school work
5) Learn more HEMA stuff
6) Complete my circa 1250 kit(both hard and soft kits)
7) Win at least one argument with my girlfriend
8) Continue to work on my chivalry


--- Quote from: Page Aiden ---7) Win at least one argument with my girlfriend
--- End quote ---

So you don't want to be happy or share a bed again?  ;D

Sir Douglas:
Mine is the same thing I resolve to do every New Year, Pinky: Try to take over the world!

--- Quote from: Page Aiden on 2014-12-29, 06:14:45 ---7) Win at least one argument with my girlfriend

--- End quote ---

Good luck with that one. ;)

Aiden of Oreland:

--- Quote from: Thorsteinn on 2014-12-29, 06:39:27 ---
--- Quote from: Page Aiden ---7) Win at least one argument with my girlfriend
--- End quote ---

So you don't want to be happy or share a bed again?  ;D

--- End quote ---

--- Quote from: Sir Douglas on 2014-12-29, 07:12:30 ---Mine is the same thing I resolve to do every New Year, Pinky: Try to take over the world!

--- Quote from: Page Aiden on 2014-12-29, 06:14:45 ---7) Win at least one argument with my girlfriend

--- End quote ---

Good luck with that one. ;)

--- End quote ---

Yeah... Because when she's right she's right, and when she's wrong, she's still right... The painful truth that I have to accept... :'(

But a man can dream can't he!


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