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New Years Resolutions

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Sir Brian:

* Continue with my middle-aged battle with the bulge. I really need to build up my stamina and
convert some of my flab back to muscle while losing the rest if I want to seriously compete at
Longpoint 2015 as well as continue with harnischfechten in general.
* Improve upon my harness to include building a better pair of Franken-gauntlets.
* Raise even more money for charity.
* Be a better man, knight, husband, father and grandfather.

Sir Nate:
1) Get better Grades
2) find a job
3) Get the rest of riveted mail needed.
4) make scabbard for albion
5) Lose Weight (Of course!!!)
6) Finish and start reading more books
7) be better than I was last year.

Mike W.:
For the most part, goals are a lot easier to obtain if they're given reasonable and tangible limits.

For example:
"Be a better person" is a very vague objective, and very likely, we won't actively pay much attention to it. It'll be hard to notice any change. But if we change that to "Volunteer once a month at the local soup kitchen" or "Give a random compliment to a stranger every day" or "Help someone with a small favor everyday" etc. then you have a better chance at improving yourself.

Using quantifiable ways to measure progress will most definitely increase your chances of actually achieving your New Years resolutions. So if you're serious about "becoming a better person", brainstorm ways that you can break that down into quantifiable daily/weekly/monthly activities. If you can discipline yourself into doing these things on a regular basis, over time your natural demeanor will improve thus making you a better person.

Sir Edward:

My resolution? This year I think I'm aiming for 3840 x 2160 Ultra-HD. ;)

Sir James A:
Get back on the treadmill (I haven't for almost 6 months!)
Continue with HEMA classes
Learn some basic armoring (internship / training)
Complete various house projects that have been started over the last 5-ish years but never finished (or finished to my satisfaction)

I completely understand that "more than one meal a day" thing! I used to have a really bad habit of that. I try to eat at least 2 per day now, unless I'm sick.


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