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New Years Resolutions

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Mike W.:
It's that time of year again to make a list of stuff we want to do, but most likely won't.
So what's on your list this year, got any ideas for some?

Here's my list. I'll be happy if I actually accomplish 5 of them:
Stay up to date on world events (from multiple sources of course)
Do a puzzle every morning
Read 10,000 pages (which for me is a list of 23 books)
Learn six new pieces on the piano
Drink more water (2 litres a day)
Actually eat more than one meal a day
Get on top of my medical issues (I really don't want to get my teeth extracted)
Attempt to put on some weight
Limit checking facebook to once a day
Volunteer once a month
Hand write a thoughtful, appreciative letter to a friend once a month
Save up $10,000 for a house down payment (guess that means not building another kit :( )
Learn to sew
Produce a drawing every month
Slow down my driving
Keep a clean bedroom and a clean car
Try to keep a plant/betta fish alive for the year (there's a lot about life to be learned from caring for something).

Also it just occured to me. What if we somehow organized some sort of buddy system to help us actually accomplish some of our goals. We would more likely accomplish them if we had a supportive friend to whom we're accountable. Just a thought...

Anyways, have a happy new year!!!

We need to get you a girl my friend.

Mike W.:
Yeah,Ed already tried that once. Didn't work too well. ::)

Sir Wolf:
I REALLY have to lose weight again. The wife is gonna lose it with me so should be easier.

Mine are:

Lose 50lbs from the thyroid attack.
Get back to fighting (somehow).
Become good at tempering chocolate.
Teach my wife some basic swordwork.


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