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Author Topic: Stamina Training by wearing armor  (Read 21056 times)

Sir Brian

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Re: Stamina Training by wearing armor
« Reply #15 on: 2014-08-18, 15:15:01 »
Just going up a hill in the armor will be strenuous enough. :)

I tried to go uphill, reasonably far, in a hurry, in full harness, earlier this year at the MDFF. I had to stop for a breather twice. I'll vouch that it's a strenous activity. :)

There's always "heart-attack hill" at MDRF back behind the bookstore area. Stamina-training season (AKA MDRF season) is starting shortly. ;)

Yes it is far better to attempt that hill in the morning when you are still reasonably 'fresh' ! ;)
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Eva de Carduus Weald

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Re: Stamina Training by wearing armor
« Reply #16 on: 2014-08-19, 14:08:44 »
From a runner/weight training perspective. You are absolutely right to worry about joints, here is my suggestion from a lot of training experience. If you want to do squats, get to the point where you can do 150 correct squats (that is all the way down and all the way back up continuously, as in don't stop to rest, before you put any armor on to do the same exercise. Same for pushups or situps. Go all the way down to where your chest touches the ground, do not lay on the ground, always keep the elbows under pressure, before coming all the way back up and then continue, no breaks in between. Shoot for a goal that is excessive before you add weight because what you need to do is build up the joint muscles to be strong enough to take any additional weight. For sit ups, do them properly, only allow your shoulder muscles to tap the ground, do not rest there, and immediately back all the way up so that your chest touches your knees and back down without swinging your arms or pulling on your neck. If you are not yet to a point you can do these exercises properly without armor, then don't add armor. When you do add armor, start slow. Aim for 1 correct of each and work your way up slowly. Muscle is not easy to build and takes time, it is supposed to.

As for running in armor, don't even try it unless you are very well conditioned to run without it. As someone who was a runner, and who got a stress fracture from it, and who had to run on said stress fracture, save yourself the pain. Start by walking 5 miles without armor at an increased elevation, then add small amounts of weight once you can walk that distance at a good pace. Always begin at the beginning.

Above all, to prevent hernias and other such injuries, remember one very important rule. BREATH!!!!! Pushing excessively while holding your breath causes hernias. If you do a pushup, breathe through the entire thing, if you are doing a situp, same thing applies, if you are trying to lift a stack of weight, breathe! I can't say it enough, and it is hard, probably harder than the exercise itself, but it is of utmost import.

/end 2 cents :D

Lord Dane

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Re: Stamina Training by wearing armor
« Reply #17 on: 2014-08-19, 15:00:37 »
And don't forget mead.... LOTS of mead. Remember, very important. Breathe in through nose, out of mouth.   ;D
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Eva de Carduus Weald

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Re: Stamina Training by wearing armor
« Reply #18 on: 2014-08-19, 15:20:34 »
Aye, mead is a must! Although coffee first, sorry but this girl does enjoy her modern stimulants.

Sir Nate

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Re: Stamina Training by wearing armor
« Reply #19 on: 2014-08-19, 23:00:21 »
Just going up a hill in the armor will be strenuous enough. :)

I tried to go uphill, reasonably far, in a hurry, in full harness, earlier this year at the MDFF. I had to stop for a breather twice. I'll vouch that it's a strenous activity. :)
That hill was dreadful. I shouldn't have ran up the steepest part of it first.

Consider putting your hauberk in a small backpack and hiking around or simply walking around the neighborhood with it. Gradually build up your distance and speed with it on your back. This way you will enjoy the benifits of exercise without making your neighbors worry you are a candidate for the Looneybin.

Or wear a sweat shirt over it. Although it may look a tad strange still. Best to do this kind of excersize in fall.

And don't forget mead.... LOTS of mead. Remember, very important. Breathe in through nose, out of mouth.   ;D
That way the buzzers have warm mead to drink when eating your dead body.
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Re: Stamina Training by wearing armor
« Reply #20 on: 2014-09-11, 06:04:10 »
I went jogging in my full harness once just to see what it'd be like. I think I got about 500 feet before being winded. Even for someone out of shape though, with a well-fitted harness you could walk around all day without much fatigue. However, you'd have to be extremely fit, and extremely experienced, and wearing extremely well fitted armor, to run very far in it without exhaustion.