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Knights Hospitaller/Knights of Rhodes

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Sir William:

--- Quote from: Baron de Magnan on 2014-07-22, 16:15:37 ---I for one am working on a Hospitaller kit. It seems the Templars are overrated. That and black is an awesome color.

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According to whom?


--- Quote from: Baron de Magnan on 2014-07-22, 16:15:37 ---I for one am working on a Hospitaller kit. It seems the Templars are overrated. That and black is an awesome color.

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Did you mean over-done, perhaps? Overrated has a tad more of a negative connotation... I've heard Templars are indeed a popular choice, but was trying to pick something that hasn't been done all that much, and I figure the Hospitallers were a good pick, especially at this period.

At this point, they're red with a white cross, though I do agree I like the original color scheme better. I'm a Black Templar player in Warhammer 40k, so...yeah haha.

Mike W.:
No I meant overrated. While they are over-represented, they are overrated in that everyone thinks they're the greatest thing God put on this earth.

Sir William:
That's just a personal opinion, I wondered if you had something to back that up with.  Most people who think that way know nothing of the history, but that hardly detracts from the Order itself- at least not for those w/a historian's interest in the matter.

Sir Nate:

--- Quote from: Baron de Magnan on 2014-07-23, 14:54:19 ---No I meant overrated. While they are over-represented, they are overrated in that everyone thinks they're the greatest thing God put on this earth.

--- End quote ---

I don't know about overrated, most people I meet Either don't know what they are, or hate them. They are always so associated with conspiracy's, And people my age think that the assassin creed's games are pretty accurate representation of the Templars.
Me with a Templar kit myself and researcher of the the Templar History try to get that kind of mindset out of peoples heads. I don't praise them, But I do try to make them look better than people most people think.


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