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Knights Hospitaller/Knights of Rhodes

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Hello, Gentlemen!

I've been busy working on further research into the Orders, and the Hospitallers have currently taken a solid spot as what I would like to base my SCA persona in, along with increasing my understanding of the entirety of the period of time the Order has existed, at least until perhaps just after their final moving to Malta.

Currently working on a few quandaries, and was hoping some of you may have resources to suggest my attention be focused towards. Currently, I'm looking to learn more about their time as the Knights of Rhodes. Most of what I've found indicates that they changed their colors to red and white from their original black and white. I like this period, primarily because it really expands the options of armors available to warriors, specifically coat of plates and the Churburg styles spring to mind by this point.

What I'm curious about is if they still considered themselves the sort of 'hybrid' monk/warrior for Christ at this point. There's plenty of pictures of Knights of Rhodes that I've found with the red tabards and white crosses, but I haven't found any 'monk'-style robes. Most of what I've found pointed to them transitioning towards being a more militant order rather than a hospital focused one, but I would think the break-down of the Order would remain similar (Knights, Ecclesiastic Monks, Lay-brothers).

Just trying to learn and brainstorm as I go. Thanks in advance for your replies!


Lord Dane:
Good choice Vincent. I say this because we all seem to have a personal choice in our Crusader personas and we are lacking Hospitalliers. Would be nice to see more taking on their mantle in our group. We have plenty of Templars and Teutonics.

Thank you, Lord Dane!

Crusade-era seems to be a common pick for the Religious Orders (at least, from what I've seen and been told from some of the people in my local group), and I wanted to deviate a little bit by going a little farther along in the general timeline.

It was the Sieges of Rhodes that really won me over, to be completely honest, so running with that sort of timeline (roughly 1480s-1522?).

Lord Chagatai:

--- Quote from: Lord Dane on 2014-07-19, 21:03:12 ---Good choice Vincent. I say this because we all seem to have a personal choice in our Crusader personas and we are lacking Hospitalliers. Would be nice to see more taking on their mantle in our group. We have plenty of Templars and Teutonics.

--- End quote ---

I would definitely agree with you in that we need more hospitalers...

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Mike W.:
I for one am working on a Hospitaller kit. It seems the Templars are overrated. That and black is an awesome color.


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