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Is it Honorable to win, then say the loser should reign?

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Sir Douglas:
Hmmm...I don't know. That's a toughie there. I agree that it would be noble of X to step down if he didn't feel he could reign properly, but at the same time, I also agree that it puts Y in an awkward position.

Granted, I'm not really familiar with SCA rules so take this for what it's worth, but I think it depends on the circumstance. Did X go in with the intent to win, but had some last-minute "epiphany" after he had won? In that case, I think the thing to do would to be discuss it with Y and make sure he was okay with accepting the reign instead of just saying, "Y'know what? I don't really wanna be king. It's all on Y now."

Or did he go into the competition with no desire to be king and just want to fight or want bragging rights?

Basically, I guess it kind of depends on whether X had some kind of ulterior motive, or if was it an honest change of heart.

Edit: ninja'd by Sir James.

Sir William:

--- Quote ---If I threw myself into that as Y, I would decline X's offer as having not been legitimately beaten by him/her.

If I threw myself into that as X, I would take the crown as earned, and when able to speak with Y privately, tell them I feel they would make a better King and ask if they wish to take over. I could see it as being very demeaning to Y for X to imply "I beat you and I earned this, but you take it instead"; it's being given something that wasn't earned.
--- End quote ---

That begs the question- did Y in fact take the crown from X?  If X is honorable to accede the throne, is Y necessarily honorable in taking it- since it has been noted that victory via trial by combat is the only way to take it?

Sir Edward:

I find it hard to decide as well. On one hand, I agree with Sir Brian's assessment about his selfless and honorable act to concede, based on his assessment of their relative ability to lead as King.

But... if I were the one who lost the fight, I would feel I didn't earn that position. That it needed to be gifted to me. It would be a hollow "victory", because it was gained in defeat.

I just think it comes down to the fact that no one should enter a Crown Tourney that they don't want to win.  It's not a secret that the reason the tournament exists is to determine the new King.  If you don't want to be King, don't compete in the one thing that's sole purpose is to become the King.  There are plenty of other opportunities to fight and compete. 

Did fighter X just suddenly have this realization at the end, after he won?

Sir Brian:

--- Quote from: Ian on 2014-06-13, 21:23:21 ---Did fighter X just suddenly have this realization at the end, after he won?

--- End quote ---

That very well could be the case as this is discussion is nothing more than hypothetical and based upon rudimentary information, it could have been a situation where X was so focused on the combat aspects of the tournament that he didn't truly consider all his qualities needed to truly lead until during the tournament when he had perhaps witnessed Y's qualities were greater than his own?  :-\


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