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Is it Honorable to win, then say the loser should reign?

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A question of Honor came up today:

Imagine two fighters reach finals of an SCA Crown/Coronet. X beats Y after a hard fought match. In that moment of victory X suddenly realizes that Y would make a great King/Prince, while X would not. X then declares Y to be the winner for Y would be who X would want for the Crown/Coronet.

Is X being dishonorable? Is X wrong?

Sir Brian:
I would say that is very honorable. Also humble and noble of X for he put the welfare of the kingdom ahead of his own glory. Whether he was correct or not in his self estimation of his qualifications to rule, he relinquished the glory of victory for an even greater and more noble accolade. Truly your kingdom is blessed to have such honorable knights to serve them.  :)

Within the bounds of the SCA I think that's kind of weird.  A crown tournament's sole purpose is to determine the next King right?  And a tournament is the only way that Kings are determined in the SCA.  You know before entering that you're fighting for that title and that title alone.  If you think you'd be a bad king, why would you enter the tournament in the first place?  It seems like a question that should have been answered before taking the field.  It's one thing if he just feels like the other guy would be better, but if fighter X felt he would make a bad king from the start he should not have entered the tournament.

I think it puts fighter Y in an awkward position.  If he is king now, he knows he did not earn it through combat at arms, which is the SCA way.  So that could affect his ability as King.  It may cause him to second guess his validity.

Sir William:
Maybe X just wanted the competition; I'm confused, what exactly does 'rule' entail that he would be bad at it?

Sir James A:
I second Sir Ian's question about SCA context in it. If suitability as a King is determined solely through martial combat, and X has beaten Y, then shouldn't X be king. What qualification(s) is it with Y that makes X think that Y should be king instead? And why would this suddenly be recognized at the end of a tournament bout?

If I threw myself into that as Y, I would decline X's offer as having not been legitimately beaten by him/her.

If I threw myself into that as X, I would take the crown as earned, and when able to speak with Y privately, tell them I feel they would make a better King and ask if they wish to take over. I could see it as being very demeaning to Y for X to imply "I beat you and I earned this, but you take it instead"; it's being given something that wasn't earned.


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