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Author Topic: So you want to buy some armor?? Here's a 'get started' guide!!  (Read 48272 times)


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Shameless self-promotion but maybe we can cross-link with my post about buying plate armor, or we can merge them?

I'd prefer not to, just because I want this to be a self-contained document that can be used here and elsewhere.  I'd be more than happy to incorporate elements of it though if there's something I didn't cover in this.
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Sir Hancz

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Ahh, many people don't realize that this isn't a hobby you can just jump into, you gotta be willing to use a fair amount of cash, and you have to know how to take care of your kits/pieces.
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I'm just adding this link to my leg suspension video to this thread (and in duplicate above in the OP) because I think suspending your legs (be they maille or plate) is too important a topic to gloss over.  Can't remember if I posted this to the forums already but it belongs well enough in this particular thread.  If you use this video for informational purposes and are interested in historical accuracy, please make sure you stay until the last couple minutes of the video when I show the more appropriate arming garment for use with a historical kit.  Too many people watch this video, ignore what I say about the vest, and then pretend like I'm claiming it's historical... grrrr... ;)

I filmed this video earlier this year resulting from a discussion about how to comfortably suspend maille chausses.  Too many people insist on using a c-belt, and then have the nerve to complain about it the entire time meanwhile ignoring anyone's suggestion that it's not the best solution.  double grrrr...

« Last Edit: 2015-01-07, 01:54:29 by Ian »
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Sir William

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I've gotten complacent in my kit- not that its great or anything, but I feel as if I may need to 'graduate' for lack of a better term.  I don't have anything to build a kit around (a specific sword, or helm, for instance) - so I need to pick an effigy and get to work.  I don't like being on the drawing board but its the only way to get a clean start.  If I'm going to spend this kind of money, it might as well be as historically accurate as possible as I only want to do it once. 

Who'm I kidding, there'll always be something else, something more but for now, this'll keep me occupied for quite some time.  Thanks again to Sir Ian for posting this- and I hope you don't mind that I've turned it into a Word doc so I could print it out; I must be getting old, some things really are easier to read in-hand as opposed to onscreen.
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Lord Dane

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Very informative Ian. Just got my pourpoint delivered for my 14th century kit. Works just like you show. No strain on the shoulders at all. :)
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  • Keeper Of Brass
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Who in the love of god can make me an arming vest like that?

I can't sew. People say practice. I need to be able to fight in the time that I'd spend practicing sewing lol.
"Si Vis Pacem Para Bellum" -De Re Militari

Sir Rodney

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Who in the love of god can make me an arming vest like that?

I can't sew. People say practice. I need to be able to fight in the time that I'd spend practicing sewing lol.

Ian can, but he's a freak of nature. I've managed to make one maybe 1/8 as nice as that one.   ::)

I had no (I mean NO) money when I started in the SCA.  My armour was plastic, borrowed and fit like crap.

My first major purchase was a sewing machine, the least expensive model available with metal gears (cheap plastic gear machines get destroyed quickly).  The store offered free sewing classes with the purchase of a machine.  This was my best investment of money and time in my SCA career.   :)
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I will gladly pay sir Ian a handsome price for such a doublet. I recently looked online and saw that some arming belts can be made out in the UK but they're like 80 pounds sterling and take 6-8 weeks and they're the belt, dang I forget the name. Not a C belt but the grommeted belt with points. Anyways, I'd rather do the doublet route since I plan to be in full plate harness in the next two years.
"Si Vis Pacem Para Bellum" -De Re Militari