"It wasn't the reward that mattered or the recognition you might harvest. It was your depth of commitment, your quality of service, the product of your devotion -- these were the things that counted in a life. When you gave purely, the honor came in the giving, and that was honor enough."
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Author Topic: Working on my Coif  (Read 13698 times)

Aiden of Oreland

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Re: Working on my Coif
« Reply #15 on: 2014-03-31, 00:52:42 »
How much was this coif?

It came with a package of hauberk + chausses + coif on allthebeststuff.

Oh! I think that was the one I was looking at! Any recommendations for it? Flaws?
-"I raise not the sword, but the shield."-Aiden Max


  • Rycerz
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Re: Working on my Coif
« Reply #16 on: 2014-03-31, 17:57:48 »
You can buy several different types of maille packages from them, all with different ring diameters, metal gauge, and the like. Be sure to peruse their selection carefully before deciding on something, and look over the measurements given on the site very carefully. The rings are significantly better-riveted than GDFB or Icefalcon maille - you should probably look into their 17 gauge 8mm ring size.
"Sword fighting requires heart; if you frighten easily, then you are not to learn to sword fight. The whole art would be lost, because the roar of the impact and the rough strokes make a cowardly heart fearful."
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Aiden of Oreland

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Re: Working on my Coif
« Reply #17 on: 2014-03-31, 21:31:00 »
You can buy several different types of maille packages from them, all with different ring diameters, metal gauge, and the like. Be sure to peruse their selection carefully before deciding on something, and look over the measurements given on the site very carefully. The rings are significantly better-riveted than GDFB or Icefalcon maille - you should probably look into their 17 gauge 8mm ring size.

Well, for the past month I was eyeing up this one:
-"I raise not the sword, but the shield."-Aiden Max

Sir Ulrich

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Re: Working on my Coif
« Reply #18 on: 2014-03-31, 23:16:51 »
I suggest that one by far Aiden, because it's got the full package for only about 20 bucks more than what I payed for my hauberk ALONE. I have worn that maille too it doesnt have the "thread ripping" problems my old hauberk had as well and it looks rather even. I suggest going for it unless you're willing to pay the extra for wedge like I did.