Main > The Round Table

Reconstructed Knight's Face

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Mike W.:
I've always found these forensic reconstructions to be both amazing, and yet slightly creepy

You should check out the book Blood Red Roses.  It's got more of that in it, all based on the grave finds from the Battle of Towton.

Sir Rodney:
I love this kind of discovery and research, thanks for posting it!

This line did raise my blood pressure a bit (emphasis mine).

--- Quote ---'He was a very strong and fit nobleman, with the physique of a professional rugby player, who would have been trained since boyhood to handle heavy swords and other weapons and who would have spent a great deal of time on horseback.'
--- End quote ---

But enough nit-picking, this is really cool.  :)

Sir Nate:
Awesome, amazing what technology can do these days. The future is key to the past.
Makes me think of braveheart. Yet people forget that men like wallace would have been fully armored.

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Lord Rodney on 2014-03-13, 02:26:22 ---This line did raise my blood pressure a bit (emphasis mine).

--- Quote ---'He was a very strong and fit nobleman, with the physique of a professional rugby player, who would have been trained since boyhood to handle heavy swords and other weapons and who would have spent a great deal of time on horseback.'
--- End quote ---

--- End quote ---

What? They didn't weigh 20 lbs? :)


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