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Blacks in medieval armies

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Sir Wolf:
when my 15thc group went to philly we saw a ton of wood carvings that showed wealthy black men in the 15th century. remember the Ethiopia area was once very wealthy and powerful. i wouldn't say that they would be seen in England too much, but the MEd area, Italy, maybe even lower France you may find them.

Sir Nate:
Perhaps He is a servant of a Lord, Or a friend in Arms.
This Is a Movie but remember how in Prince of thieves: Robin Hood, Morgan freeman was friends with Kevin Costner and was helping him.

Lord Dane:
Not unusual I think. Early crusaders from the Iberian peninsula had darker complexions because of their regional intermixing with African invaders who were typically nomadic Moorish tribes who converted to Catholicism after settling this area during 1100-1280 campaigns (and even later) and defeated the Moors from the regional Spanish states. Depictions will vary but I would not rule it out. It was certainly more common in this region than in France or the Holy Roman Empire.   

Sir William:
Even back then, they had their 'token' Black man.  lol  And looka that, he's wearing our colors, Sir Edward!  ;)

Sir Ulrich:
My guess is they would either be Ethiopian Christians or Moors who migrated to Europe. I did read stuff about some black knights who migrated to Europe. I also have seen period art of blacks in training manuals and that one St Maurice statue is clearly African in its features. My guess is they'd be more common in the southern parts of Europe rather than the north due to trading and whatnot going on there people would migrate to make money.


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