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Blacks in medieval armies

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Sir William:
He wasn't a real Templar, Nate...a real Templar would've won that bout!  ;)

Sir Nate:

--- Quote from: Sir William on 2014-03-20, 13:47:48 ---He wasn't a real Templar, Nate...a real Templar would've won that bout!  ;)

--- End quote ---
Ha, That is True.

Another theory for this picture is that maybe somone just had an ungodly amount of sunburn that there skin turned black. It was not the gash on his neck. It was his sunburn that killed him.
One could say he didnt have the proper..... Protection? Hahaha

Sir Robert:
I have read accounts of Moors becoming knights, as well as various accounts of Arabic and north African men at arms associated with knights and defending Constantinople, so it may be that there were some that we're knights. I think is is plausable, however most people were not very en minded, not as that would mean today, but rather kept within their nationality, religion, or orders, the religion being the most narrow of those.

Sir Humphrey:
The Arab slave trade brought lots of sub-Saharan black folks to the mediteranian area.  Later the Viking slave trade distributed them even further afield.  I think true Africans were dotted among the European populations, and some must have ended up serving in a military role. I'm not talking "Moorish" looking folks, but of sub-Saharan African ethnic origin. Here is an article that suggests just that:

Sir Humphrey


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