So I got down what my armor kit will be and such, but what of my civilian? Well that what I am here to discuss. I plan to make a 13th century soft kit to compliment my 13th century armor. It will consist of the basics, a kirtle, braies, tunic, cowl, chausses, garters, and a belt and period shoes and maybe a felt hat. I plan to hand make my own tunic, cowl, chausses, belt and maybe a kirtle. I will buy the rest, maybe make the other items in the future. My tunic will almost be like a honey color like in the figure below. My chausses a green(also like the figure below, but maybe not as bright of a color), and my cowl shall be brown. My shoes will not be a natural color but a dark brown. I plan to make my stuff out of "authentic" material such as wool. The kirtle and braies of coarse will be a light, white linen. I have sources in which hold the knowledge to make these items. Either in the next week or so i will start making and ordering this stuff. As I work on this project I will either refer back to this post or/and post it in the workshop. If anyone one has questions or suggestions they will be most appreciated