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My confusion on Men at Arms, and Knights.

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Aiden of Oreland:
Maybe a knight  is considered a man at arms?


--- Quote from: Sir Aiden on 2014-02-04, 21:05:02 ---Maybe a knight  is considered a man at arms?

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Yes Sir Aiden, all knights are considered men-at-arms.

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Ian on 2014-02-04, 20:12:22 ---So was Sir John Hawkwood not a knight?  You kind of jumped on the one category (condottierri) where we undoubtedly know there were knights being contracted by the Italian city-states.

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I thought we were going for general blanket statements? Condottieri would likely be men at arms, but not likely to be knights. I'm sure there were some who were knights.

I'll just quote myself from the first page since that seems to have been ignored ;) :

--- Quote ---Condotierri don't really confuse the issue, because among the condotierri there were acknowledged knights, and there were non-noble men-at-arms as well.  Sir John Hawkwood for example was a knight, and he's one of the most famous condotierri.  A lot of English knights during the lull in the war with France sold their services in the Free Companies to the Italian wars of the late 14th century.  So, all condotierri are men-at-arms, some condotierri are knights.
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Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Ian on 2014-02-04, 21:57:37 ---I'll just quote myself from the first page since that seems to have been ignored ;) :

--- Quote ---Condotierri don't really confuse the issue, because among the condotierri there were acknowledged knights, and there were non-noble men-at-arms as well.  Sir John Hawkwood for example was a knight, and he's one of the most famous condotierri.  A lot of English knights during the lull in the war with France sold their services in the Free Companies to the Italian wars of the late 14th century.  So, all condotierri are men-at-arms, some condotierri are knights.
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Ah, indeed, sorry about that, I missed it. Conversation went to space-ninjas and robots, and I glossed over it after that. :o


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