Main > The Round Table

The Heart of a Knight

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Sir Nate:
Perhaps this boy's courage can remind those who are willing to be more, in all Good and brave.

Sir Douglas:
Well done, little knight. Well done. :) Rest peacefully.

--- Quote from: Belemrys on 2014-01-24, 20:19:41 ---So sad, worse is that all people can talk about on my facebook feed is Justin Beiber being arrested for drag racing..

--- End quote ---
Isn't that just a shame? Bieber was the top "trending" item for three days straight. I mean, people get arrested everyday for DUI and street racing, but none of them are rich and famous so nobody cares. If a celebrity does it, it's suddenly important news.
Meanwhile, how often does someone show courage like Tyler, especially one so young? That is something that doesn't happen everyday, yet it gets lost in all the other nonsense.
Yeah, I know, "if you want these celebrities to go away, then stop talking about them", and I should just ignore it. But anymore that kind of stuff just sticks in my craw something fierce. When did we start valuing people more by their fame and money than by their deeds? :-\


--- Quote from: DouglasTheYounger on 2014-01-25, 22:33:40 ---Meanwhile, how often does someone show courage like Tyler, especially one so young? That is something that doesn't happen everyday, yet it gets lost in all the other nonsense.

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Definitely not as young as Tyler here, but don't forget what a bunch of 18 and 19 year old kids are doing every day in Afghanistan.  They're sacrifice is largely forgotten and ignored by a jaded and preoccupied public as well.  They're courage is much more common than you think.  The problem is that a bulk of the courage in our society belongs to a small group of people who the public would rather forget about except on the occasional holiday or for 5 minutes after a movie comes out.

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Ian on 2014-01-25, 22:56:27 ---
--- Quote from: DouglasTheYounger on 2014-01-25, 22:33:40 ---Meanwhile, how often does someone show courage like Tyler, especially one so young? That is something that doesn't happen everyday, yet it gets lost in all the other nonsense.

--- End quote ---

Definitely not as young as Tyler here, but don't forget what a bunch of 18 and 19 year old kids are doing every day in Afghanistan.  They're sacrifice is largely forgotten and ignored by a jaded and preoccupied public as well.  They're courage is much more common than you think.  The problem is that a bulk of the courage in our society belongs to a small group of people who the public would rather forget about except on the occasional holiday or for 5 minutes after a movie comes out.

--- End quote ---

That's something I try very hard never to forget. The courage and sacrifice that comes from young people in our society is simply amazing at times, but if they're in uniform, it's easy for society at large to just say "meh, it's expected".

Sir Nate:
Sadly I am guilty of having forgotten Men and women as young as 18 and 19 are fighting for the greater good.
But I am able to recognize it other than when I'm watching a movie or commercial.


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