Main > The Round Table

The Heart of a Knight

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Sir Patrick:
Saw this on FB today. That little guy had the heart if a knight.

Sir Edward:

Yeah, I saw something about it, but forgot to circle back and read about it some more. I'll do that now. Very sad, but what a heroic and brave way to go.

Don Jorge:
So sad, worse is that all people can talk about on my facebook feed is Justin Beiber being arrested for drag racing..

Aiden of Oreland:

--- Quote from: Belemrys on 2014-01-24, 20:19:41 ---So sad, worse is that all people can talk about on my facebook feed is Justin Beiber being arrested for drag racing..

--- End quote ---

18 year old boy does dumb sh** and gets arrested, front news. 8 year old boy saves 7 lives and dies trying to save the last one, just a small side story.

Sir Nate:
That boy died a Hero.
Namarie, Menel nor Cirith le, Aglar min. Le Thalion, astaldo rochben
Elvish translation(fair well, heaven above pass you, glorious one. You strong, valiant knight.)


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