The mantle should be your primary color and metal. The torse is suppose to be the primary color & metal
of your lady but since you have two colors and the same metal you can get away with using the other
combination of color/metal for your torse.
i.e. Have a mantle in Red/White and a torse in Black/White. Or Have a mantle in Black/White and a torse in
Red/White. You could also go with the mantle having the same color/metal combination as your surcoat and
have the other combination as your torse.
The mantel I made is a simple approximately 1' by 2' piece of cloth of each color and sewn them together.
The torse can be simple or tricky depending on how you want to go about it. If you want to use roping
like Sir Edwards than you need to find the thickness and colors that you will be happy with. If you want
to make them like mine you need to make two tubes of fabric approximately 32" - 40" then turn them outside
in after sewing and fill them with rope batting, which comes in various thicknesses. Tie off the ends and twist
them together.
VOILA you are done!