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Heraldry design help

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Hi Ed and Nate,


So how cool is that blue crab!


Sir Nate:

--- Quote from: Timothy on 2014-01-11, 05:03:50 ---Hi Ed and Nate,


So how cool is that blue crab!


--- End quote ---

The first thing that came to mind was "what does this guy live in Maryland or something?" Then I checked and you do.
Ugh the butter stains you'd get on a tunic Awful!

Sir Douglas:
I like them, too. The one with the sable lion really pops. Very nice.

--- Quote from: Timothy on 2014-01-11, 05:03:50 ---
So how cool is that blue crab!

--- End quote ---

Hehe. :) I actually think that's a rather clever way to incorporate Maryland into the arms.

Sir Edward:

Tim, if you're in MD, we should probably add you to the DC-Area Order board. Same for Doug. I'll go do that.


BTW the have submitted another arms thinking if might be more recognizable as being Maryland related.

What do you all think?



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