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Heraldry design help

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Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Timothy on 2014-01-10, 19:11:33 ---Per pale Vert and Or, Lion rampant Sable
treading on a Azure crab in fess proper between four trefoils Or and Vert

--- End quote ---

Is the crab "azure" or "proper"? The color should come after the object it refers to, and "proper" means it has the normal/natural coloring rather than something specific. For instance, a "tree proper" would have a brown trunk and green leaves.

Hi All,

I have been discussing the blazon on the FB page of the International Heraldry Society. They have been most helpful.

This should be the LAST Blazon

Per pale Or and Vert, Lion rampant Sable
sinister rear paw resting on a crab Azure between an orle of eight trefoils' counterchanged.


Hi All, Mr. Elliot Nesterman on the FB page for the International Heraldry Society help with many other as I wrote and revised my Blazon.  He has now gone the very extra mile and created two arms. One is based on the blazon I wrote and one other.  All I can say is WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks to all here who helped as well!

So what do you think?


Sir Edward:

Wow, I like them a lot! Those turned out great.

Sir Nate:
Seems I missed whole conversation. But will say this
Tim if it helps you. I based my heraldry on a toy.


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