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Heraldry design help

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Sirs,  I have received a note from the office of the  Chief Herald of Ireland and have been informed me  that they only have two Gallagher/Gallaher surnames on record as having arms. Both were granted in the 1970's. While I do not believe this is fully accurate I need to look at the design of new arms. Is there anyone who has the time and interest in assisting me with this. I ask as I can, sometimes, draw a straight line with a ruler. I have attach some pictures with elements I might use.

Any help would be appreciated.


in addition I might use these as well.

Sir Douglas:
Have you tried the Coat of Arms Design Studio? There's a free version that works right in your browser. Fairly simple to use, but might not allow for some of the more complex designs. Depends what you had in mind, I suppose.

Otherwise, I'm pretty handy in the art department. Just let me know and I'll see if I can help. :)

Hi Douglas, Yes I have  but to no great success.

Any time you can help that would be great.


Sir Douglas:
What did you need help with?


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