Wow!!! That is awesome!!! Very nice harness!! So when's the fancy armet coming then?? ;-)
Thank you, Sir Ian. A fancy armet will be WAY down the road. MAYBE by DoK 2015?
For now, I'm going to modify my "combat" armet a bit (the one I've already lined/padded and used at VARF). I'll remove the rolled/roped lower part (completely wrong for 1450 Italian), and I'll see if Allan can hook me up with spring pins in it like he did for my "dress" armet. I also want to get a wrapper made for it since I only have the mail standard; not sure who or how but I may try it myself if I can find a small sheet of 16ga mild. For now I'll use the same arming coat, voiders, fauld, greaves and sabatons as my regular harness, and probably get a proper set of gauntlets. I forgot to put the armet on before taking the picture.

I've got Sir-Wolf-itis and have a couple in-progress kits to finish. I've got a set of cuisses, cased greaves, and sabatons on order from last year w/Smiling Orc Armory, so I'll eventually have a similar harness in carbon steel. When I have the majority of that done, I'll get a carbon steel armet for it, and not worry much with this one. Plus I've got the black harness to finish too, and only have the legs for it thus far. #medievalProblems #italianArmorIsSexy #multipleCenturyDisorder #neverEnoughArmor #ramenForMonths
I couldnt help but notice you own the same knee cops as I do.
Yep, those are the MercTailor 5-flute knee cops. Also have the matching elbow cops. Part of a Templar kit I'm working on. Full mail, knee cops, elbow cops (sitting on top of the stand), and simple shoulder cops. Still finishing up with tailoring the hauberk, then it is onto the chausses feet. Haven't worked on it for a month or two due to other projects.