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Order Code and Scout Law?

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Sir Martyn:
They have a patch for WMA/HEMA now?  Cool.  Is that a merit badge?

Must admit will always have a soft spot in my heart for Scouting (yep, Eagle here).

Unfortunately, unlike Sir Wolf, my female-only progeny limits my present options, but I regualrly take them camping :)


--- Quote from: Gareyth on 2013-10-28, 21:03:14 ---They have a patch for WMA/HEMA now?  Cool.  Is that a merit badge?

--- End quote ---

Mine was given out to the local SCA chapter for helping out at that  event. IIRC it was a one time thing.

When I was in the Marine Corps, my fellow Marines would always say that the Marines were like modern-day Spartans....a bold thought, no doubt, but I always considered Marines to be modern day KNIGHTS. Along with the USMC core values - Honor, Courage and Commitment, everything else on the code you have in this group could be applied to being a Marine. Or any branch of the service. And even if you're not in the service these values apply to anyone who hols themselves to the highest level of personal standard and conduct.

Anyone agree?

Sir Martyn:
Absolutely.  In fact, you could argue I think one basic criteria of comparison is what groups are even willing to adhere to any kind of code today - to place it above themselves, even at personal peril?  Increasingly a rare thing these days.

Sir Nate:
There is only 1 answer to this.
All cubs scouts are being secretly trained in our ways.


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