Main > The Round Table

Order Code and Scout Law?

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Aiden of Oreland:
Timothy, it is just like being a gentlemen, now and days people see it as a flirtatious act. It is also that people are not being raised wih these rules and beliefs (or not as many) because we are no longer tought that way. And youth these days can be exposed to stuff that they shouldnt be exposed to till they are at least 18. Which gives them an early rude attitude. Like I havn't played grand theft auto yet which contains sexual content and stronge language, and i heard kid younger than 9 talking about it, and how we can't wait to get back on it. I think it comes down to the internet and parents that let people not be "chivalres" and honestly it shouldnt just be knights but all should really be like the boy scouts and knights.

Sir Aiden, Agree.

To bad the genie can not be put back in the bottle. :(


Sir Wolf:
lol i have a Tiger Cub right now lol lil knight

Lord Dane:

--- Quote from: Sir Wolf on 2013-10-25, 00:15:23 ---lol i have a Tiger Cub right now lol lil knight

--- End quote ---

Next thing you know, he's Sir Wee-below.  ;D

I actually have a patch for Western Martial Arts a local troup gave the SCA when we did a demo up in Dog Valley a while back.


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