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Author Topic: Albion Reeve  (Read 22226 times)

Sir Ulrich

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Albion Reeve
« on: 2013-08-19, 02:23:16 »
I'm rather tempted to pick this up, just unsure if I got 730 in my bank account to pick it up. I always wanted that one, but I am just unsure if the pommel will dig into my wrist, my hanwei tinker norman does that and I rather hate using it as a result. I dont like the handshake grip because it feels awkward to me so I might NOT get it. If anyone knows how this handles please tell me cause I might pick this up if you dont have to use a handshake grip with it.

Sir William

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Re: Albion Reeve
« Reply #1 on: 2013-08-19, 16:09:41 »
I don't see why a handshake grip would be all that uncomfortable with this sword unless you have huge hands- using a hammer grip's great for hacking and bashing but you'd want to use the hand shake grip with any sort of cut or slash motion; its a natural motion that doesn't need to be read too deeply into. 

You could try loosening your grip near the pommel...it should pass into your palm rather than bang against your wrist in this manner.
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Sir Ulrich

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Re: Albion Reeve
« Reply #2 on: 2013-08-19, 22:02:44 »
He told me it's comfortable with both grips, it doesnt have the problem the hanwei tinkers have. I think I'm gonna pick it up even though I got another on the way. Mostly cause it's different and having 2 different type swords would be nice. I always wanted it plus it's in my color, red is better than a black grip, not sure how period black leather is but Jesse Bailey told me it didnt exist till the 1300s so I usually go for red leather now.

Sir William

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Re: Albion Reeve
« Reply #3 on: 2013-08-20, 15:49:27 »
It'll go well with your current harness, too.
The Black Knight, Order of the Marshal
'Per Pale Azure and Sable, a Chevron counterchanged fimbriated argent.' 
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Sir Ulrich

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Re: Albion Reeve
« Reply #4 on: 2013-08-21, 00:33:15 »
I decided to pick it up he agreed to me paying a down payment then get the rest done when I can so I will be getting the Reeve to replace my Hanwei Tinker Norman. Should go good with my kit and not have the issue of the pommel digging into the wrist due to being shaped right.


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Re: Albion Reeve
« Reply #5 on: 2013-08-21, 00:36:20 »
I decided to pick it up he agreed to me paying a down payment then get the rest done when I can so I will be getting the Reeve to replace my Hanwei Tinker Norman. Should go good with my kit and not have the issue of the pommel digging into the wrist due to being shaped right.

Congrats!  I'm glad he went for the down payment thing.  I hope you get it in time for DoK, I'd love to see it in person!
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Sir Nate

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Re: Albion Reeve
« Reply #6 on: 2013-08-21, 00:49:20 »
Tis a fine blade worthy of any knight
Nathan Phillip Max
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Sir Brian

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Re: Albion Reeve
« Reply #7 on: 2013-08-23, 17:07:14 »
Huzzah and congratulations Sir Ulrich! So methinks you’ll soon be in the market for a scabbard to house such a fine bit o’ steel! ;)
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Sir Ulrich

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Re: Albion Reeve
« Reply #8 on: 2013-08-24, 06:00:20 »
Yeah I think I am gonna need a scabbard for it, not sure who I am gonna get it done by. I want it to be accurate and fit the rest of my kit, considering the grip color is red I might have a red scabbard done with an integrated sword belt. I don't want to pay 800 bucks for it though, so maybe I will do it myself if I could find someone to carve and glue the wood part for me.

Sir Brian

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Re: Albion Reeve
« Reply #9 on: 2013-08-24, 07:23:02 »
Making the wood core isn't that difficult or expensive. The blade geometry of the Reeve would not pose any difficulties at all. If you feel confident enough after making the core you could do the leather wrap and suspension or send it off to my friend here in Maryland for the leather work. He is very reasonable and an exceptional master craftsman.  :)

"Chivalry our Strength, Brotherhood our sword"
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B. Patricius

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Re: Albion Reeve
« Reply #10 on: 2013-08-24, 09:20:43 »
Sir Ulrich,

gotta say bud, I'm a bit jealous! :D  that's awesome you decided to pick up the Reeve.  Not quite my style, but man is she gorgeous.  That is one of the few Albion's I've been able to hold myself.  And she was a joy even with my huge paw.  I hope she does well for you.  I mainly grip her with my middle finger and thumb, almost like one would hold a firearm, I can't really get my forefinger in there lol.  As I moved around a bit with her, I rang out my hand like I was wringing out a rag, and she felt great.  She's amazing and an awesome weapon.  I can't wait to hear what you think of her.
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Sir Ulrich

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Re: Albion Reeve
« Reply #11 on: 2013-08-24, 22:17:47 »
Yeah, just need wood carving skills to make it, not sure how to do any of that the leather part looks easy enough once you got the sewing threads for it. I'd rather make it myself than spend another 800 dollars on it, of course I do know a few people who make them for cheaper so that could work. Also theres always crusader monk though I am not sure if he does integrated belts. But I will keep that guy in mind for it as leather working is not one of my skills. The only real thing I can do is maille making.

The Reeve is much better than the Hanwei Tinker Norman, I was checking the Norman vs the Reeve, the way the Norman is set up in the pommel is why it uncomfortably digs into my wrist and hand, the Reeve is set up so it does not do that. Also the Norman has too long a grip to comfortably use the handshake grip for my medium sized hands. Also dont care for the nickel finish on the hilt stuff, makes it look too modern. All I know is I think I will like the Reeve, I did pass up the chance to get a Ritter earlier this year, but I didnt care for its spatulate tip, even the Reeve looks like it would be a better thruster than the Ritter, also would fit an earlier century better so I wouldnt have to get a second one if I want to do a first crusade kit as well as a Third crusade kit. I've been wanting the Reeve since 2010 and I aint passing the chance up to get one in my color my scabbard will probably be in red because it would match my coat of arms better.

Sir James A

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Re: Albion Reeve
« Reply #12 on: 2013-08-25, 03:43:57 »
As on FB, check with Crusader Monk about the integrated belt. He did my Mercenary scabbard with belt suspension to match my existing belt w/buckles, so he may be able to do it.
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Sir Ulrich

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Re: Albion Reeve
« Reply #13 on: 2013-08-25, 20:24:45 »
I need to let you know I pulled the sword out to oil it and noticed that it has a very subtle clicking noise when vigorously swinging it with the flat parallel to ground. This is not new to this sword or many other Albions but had stopped on this sword and I forgot that it had happened. According to Mike S at Albion it happens and usually stops. He says that the reason it occurs is a piece of excess epoxy breaks off and it clicks. Albion will fix this at no cost and he assured me that it was in no way a functional issue so I chose to do nothing as it did not bother me much. There is a thread on this website that I started entitled "clicking noise" If a search does not pull it up you probably can find it under my profile. If you want to back out I understand and will refund your money. If you want to do nothing that is great too as there is a home remedy to this as mentioned in the string. If you like I can send it to Albion for them to remedy. Let me know what are your wishes as I want you to enjoy this sword as much as I have, it is really a sweet sword and one of the 100 piece limited swords.
Does anyone know how much of an issue this is? I mean I stupidly told my parents now they're mad at me for making the purchase. They keep telling me it isnt worth it and I'm "being cheated". I know their "trying to help me" but all they are is paranoid about almost everything, probably why they're shut ins. Maybe I should ask for a lower price? Not sure. I really dunno what to do now.


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Re: Albion Reeve
« Reply #14 on: 2013-08-25, 20:28:29 »
If it's something that's going to bother you, when you pay off the sword, have him send it to Albion, they'll fix it, and then send it to you.  Albion will fix it and it will be like new.
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