Main > The Round Table

Be a Knight in your heart.

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--- Quote from: Sir Nate on 2013-08-21, 20:08:43 ---always tell the truth, even if it means putting you life or someone elses in danger.

--- End quote ---

Are you sure? Another's life is yours to sacrifice on the altar of your honor?

Sir Nate:
worse comes to those who lie.

Sir Brian:
Ah I see this discussion has segued into a debate of truth which reminded me of a discussion on that very subject a couple of years ago that produced some very astute points. But essentially Nate, the topic of truth is rarely so simple nor cut and dry. ;),696.0.html

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Thorsteinn on 2013-08-22, 01:38:57 ---
--- Quote from: Sir Nate on 2013-08-21, 20:08:43 ---always tell the truth, even if it means putting you life or someone elses in danger.

--- End quote ---

Are you sure? Another's life is yours to sacrifice on the altar of your honor?

--- End quote ---

Thorsteinn brings up a good point. That's one you might want to think on, Sir Nate. To put that in perspective, would truth still be honorable, if it brought death to good people?

Sir Edward:

That also brings up another interesting point of discussion. Does your honor require you to tell the truth, when talking to evil? As a similar example, in Muslim culture, they consider it just fine to deceive infidels. But I'm not talking about differing faith, but rather "bad guys", or real evil. If you made a pact with the devil, would you be honor-bound not to lie to him, and to uphold your end of the bargain? No right or wrong here, I'm just curious how people think on this.


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