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I could use a hand in developing my heraldic shield

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B. Patricius:
Greetings all,

I'm a member of the Adrian Empire, and as I'm now officially part of the group the heralds are knocking on my door so to speak waiting for my device.  Luckily, within the Adrian Empire they live by the KISS method and require it to be simple in it's layout.  My device is a badger, because well, if there was ever an animal that emulated me, especially when I haven't had my cup of joe yet, it's the badger.  Also, what's really cool is that we have a good population of badgers in our area and I actually just saw one on ol Rte 66/Az95 while my lady and I were discussing it.  It was my first glimpse at a badger in the wild, and yes, he was contemplating picking a fight with her van!  8)

So, I basically have the device set up.  It's just the finer details I'm having a bit of a problem with.  I've attached the two different ideas for you all to see, and I'm even thinking of adding another where the badger is true proper, in brown, because they thought that would look cool with my quartered background.

Basically, I can't decide on yellow and red quartered, or white and red quartered.  The brown badger would probably blend in with the yellow so that badger will stay black and white, but the red and white one, the brown badger would definitely pop.  I'm just trying to decide how "Templar" looking I really want my device to be, since this is really for my secular kit rather than one for a Holy Order.  Either that, or it's just me seeing it, and if that's the case, I'd appreciate that criticism as well.

Let me know what you guys think, I'd really appreciate the input!

How interested are you in making a historically correct Coat of Arms, and how much background information do you have on historical heraldry?  Are you familiar with things like metals vs colors and what can be on what and all that jazz?  If you are interested in going historical, let us know because that will greatly affect guidance.

Lord Dane:
Coat of Arms (CoA) depends greatly upon what you wish to say about yourself, hertiage, kit, persona... Like Ian stated, it will be based predominantly upon how historical & accurate you wish it to be. We can all help in this area if you want options. I just recently re-did my heraldry to suit my Order kit that I will use here with the group. However, I have CoA for my SCA Order & my own personal heraldry based upon my real life name. It's all in what you wish to portray.

B. Patricius:
I want it to be fairly historically accurate for sure.  Just like everything else in my kit.  According to the rules both of those would pass.  I know enough about the basic rules, like no color on color and metal on metal.  Hence why the rampant badger is in the center, so he's less than 50% on it.  At least for Adria, it's good.  Feel free to critique it.  The major elements that will stay are the badger and the colors.  The rest can change.

Thanks for the help!
B. Patricius

Either color set is completely legit. Red and white have been used by many, many more people than just the templars, and unless it's a white field with a red cross (which by the way is a symbol of England and Genoa, as well as the templars), I don't think you have to worry too much about it.I like how clean the red and white looks personally, and it would allow you to do more of the brown/grey of a badger proper if you decided to go that way. I personally like the black badger.


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