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I could use a hand in developing my heraldic shield

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B. Patricius:
Sir Brian,

let me start off by saying your description of your heraldry is most eloquent, beautiful and very touching.  Just like I wish mine to be.  It's awesome.  And in that:

--- Quote from: Lord Dane on 2013-07-08, 16:24:19 ---Brother Patricius,

Just a thought, ...
Try putting the red field above the white field (halved not quartered).
In the red field above, place your black honey badger in a forward facing position not rampant.
In the white field below, place a red maltese Templar cross centered.
The red field above is symbolic of your true self (if the honey badger is significant in this fashion).
The white field below represents your faith, beliefs, values, ideals, etc or other self.
Both are different in context but an integral part of the other as seen in the whole.
One cannot separate one from the other but only makes them fit together to be reflective of you.
Keep the color scheme as it works well together with the charges.

If this seems appropriate based on what you are seeking, you found your heraldry.

--- End quote ---

I'm going to try this.  I like how it has my badger up top, the shield halved like the Beausant of the Templars, something I was thinking about myself to begin with, where the blackness describes their past and the white describes who they wanted to be.  Very touching Lord Dane.  For you all to have never met me in person, I truly feel like we are brothers and sisters in arms.

Now to find an angry heraldic badger facing forward  8) reminds me of the little guy trying to take on my lady's van.

everyone else, thank you so much for your input as well.  I wish to have my lady on that pedestal as well, but her being a single Mom, if only for 13 months, definitely made her a stubborn one :D 

oh well, guess I need to show her more pictures of y'all in armor, kissing your lady's hands.  She loved those pictures of Sir Brian and Joe Metz


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