This isn't everything mind you, just what I could gather together for an impromptu layout- as Sir Wolf has waved the ban hammer menacingly in my direction, so here goes.

New crest by Jeremy O'neail (sp)

Splint arms and legs by WCA, pauldrons by MT (the leather's dark blue, pauldrons have been blued)

The back of the splint stuff

WTC Coat of plates and brig gorget

Back of the CoP and gorget

New gonfalon by Dirk and Arrow in case you haven't seen it

And my shield by Oakheart Armory, in case you haven't seen that

I won't bother mentioning the other stuff til I can take pics of it.
Glossary of terms
WTC = Winter Tree Crafts, a VT based armory
WCA = West Coast Armory, a CA based armory
MT = Mercenary's Tailor, an upstate NY based armory (no longer 'open' for business, but you can still catch the odd sale from him; if you see him on AA (AL) posting something for sale and it'll fit you- buy it. You won't be sorry.)