Looks like it may be even warmer than the prediction Sir Brian cited earlier in the week, ugh. I'm toying with light kit this Sunday and then fully armor up for the 20th, but am wavering. Can't be hotter that what we endured at Drachenfest (40 C +) - hmmm...
Either way, also happy to help out James - what time were you planning to get there? Would you need a lift?
It would be possibly next Sunday, but barring things beyond my control, also on the 20th (closing Sunday). I'll be shooting for 9:15 or 9:30 arrival; I can get about halfway suited up on my own (sabatons, greaves, cuisses, mail fauld, gorget, half of the cuirass - I can get it on but not completely strapped). I primarily need help getting the cuirass strapped down, getting the arms on, and the helmet. The walk across the parking lot, depending on distance from the gate, may be a bit taxing, and I need to purchase entrance ticket there, so I'm putting some "stop and rest a minute" time in there.

Appreciate the offers for help gentlemen!