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Knights and Freemasonry

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Bro. Patricius - I watched that Templars movie you recommended. It was very good. Thanks for the reference.

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2013-05-17, 14:18:16 ---Something that's really interesting about the Templars is that a few years ago, some documentation was found in the Vatican library that shows that the ruling against them was overturned about 20 years after the fact. I think it's pretty clear that even back then, people realized how political and atrocious it was, and within a couple of decades the decision was reversed. Of course, the damage was done.

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Chinon Parchment, found by Barbara Frale. She's an author.

That's crazy eh? That they overturned it after all that had been done? Wow - even then politics was shady

B. Patricius:

--- Quote from: Corvus on 2013-05-18, 21:25:15 ---That's crazy eh? That they overturned it after all that had been done? Wow - even then politics was shady

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You can easily ask the Roman Empire or the Greeks if politics were ever not shady ;)  far as I'm concerned, you get three or more people together you have politics, intrigue, and conspiracy  ;D

Corvus, glad you liked the video.  I thought they did a good job of keeping on the subject at hand, and keeping an objective viewpoint.  I just wish others would as well.

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Corvus on 2013-05-18, 21:25:15 ---That's crazy eh? That they overturned it after all that had been done? Wow - even then politics was shady

--- End quote ---

Yep, and another interesting part is that Frale was doing research on something else completely, and found it misfiled somewhere in the Vatican library. So it sat, misfiled, for 700 years. I'm sure there were a few who knew of the Templars judgement being altered, and were probably considered looney when they were alive. Also adds to the conspiracy theory aspect, of course.


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