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Knights and Freemasonry

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Someone on FB the other day was mentioning Knighthood and was saying that there are Knightly orders buried in the customs of Freemasonry. Naturally I thought of the Knights Templar Order which I have heard is a part of one of the mystery schools of certain Masonic groups.

Any Freemasons on here who might be able to clarify that?

Sir Wolf:
into monty python skit... masonry opens doors lol

Sir James A:
It's all conspiracy theory, coincidence, and guesswork. And a lot of it. If you haven't seen "Holy Grail in America", a history channel 2 hour show, watch it, it's a pretty good intro into this. Also "Guardians of the Secret Identity of Christ" book is good so far, though I'm only about halfway through it.

Sir William:
I suppose it is possible; but there are proponents and opponents of the idea.  The sticking point- the Templars were branded as heretics and the Order disbanded in 1312 so there weren't any Templars after that.  To say that they somehow joined these later organizations has been argued as spurious at best; I think it safer to say that these later orders took cues from the Templars.  The oldest known extant Freemason document dates to 1390- you could conclude that although the Templars had been dissolved, they hadn't been forgotten and someone, somewhere disagreed with the outcome.

Personally, having known one or two Freemasons in my time, I would say that they get a lot of bad press with regard to all the conspiracy theories floating around these days. No doubt the bestselling author Dan Brown has certainly not lessened this with his novels of late either.

The terms that every Mason I have ever met use to describe what they do are 'honor', 'service' and 'fraternity', and basically I have also been told it is like a big family of brothers. Some have remained mute on the Knighthood aspect though, other than to say that there are a few higher degrees in some schools of masonry that have the Templar aspect to them.

Food for thought anyway


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