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Author Topic: Inscription supplies?  (Read 7526 times)

Sir Omera

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Inscription supplies?
« on: 2013-05-01, 21:03:02 »
So, the topic of writing my more sacred philosophical meanderings on parchment with ink, quill and scrollpaper: where can I reliably get the supplies? Are there 'simple' pens that are still mideival? Seal wax? symbols for the wax to set in?

Sir James A

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Re: Inscription supplies?
« Reply #1 on: 2013-05-01, 21:17:04 »
Walmart, eBay and Amazon are actually decent sources for calligraphy supplies. Walmart also has "paint pens" which are essentially markers with paint in them that lets you have much finer precision than a brush. You can even cut the tips to them if you want, and they run about $2 each.

Wax, I'm not sure, but any candle place should have it, I'd think. As for seals, if you want a variety for reasonably cheap, leather stamping tools will work.
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Re: Inscription supplies?
« Reply #2 on: 2013-05-01, 21:23:46 »
You want to get in touch with the SCA Scribal folks.  Some of them are quite simply amazing at reproducing Illuminated Manuscripts with period implements.  I suspect a lot of them make their quills and inks though.
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Re: Inscription supplies?
« Reply #3 on: 2013-05-02, 03:14:08 »

I've found seal wax at some book stores and card shops. It's easy to get at the renaissance festivals, as well as the seal stamps with typical generic designs. A custom one would cost a bit more, but the basic stuff is super cheap.

Seal wax is a bit different than candle wax, since it's designed to adhere to the paper very readily, and get quite hard when it cools.
Sir Ed T. Toton III
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