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Author Topic: Generation 2 (Legacy Arms) acquired by CAS/Hanwei  (Read 5374 times)

Sir Edward

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Generation 2 (Legacy Arms) acquired by CAS/Hanwei
« on: 2013-04-25, 13:47:56 »

Legacy Arms (previously Generation 2) has been acquired by CAS Hanwei. Press release:

Sir Ed T. Toton III
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B. Patricius

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Re: Generation 2 (Legacy Arms) acquired by CAS/Hanwei
« Reply #1 on: 2013-04-25, 14:37:05 »
It really is a shame to see acquisitions throughout any markets.  Legacy Arms (Gen2) swords were a good brand in their own right, and added the needed choice of options to the market.  Regardless of the PR, I still feel that this won't "benefit" us regardless of what anyone on that end says.  I've seen this happen before far too often.

It's much the same thing in my other hobbies as well, different businesses acquiring others to gain more of the market share.  Sure it helps their profits and could keep the acquired business from bankruptcy, but I feel we, the customers loose.  Everything is becoming more and more homogenized.  It's really hard to tell a Ford from a Hyundai from a Mercedes, and it's a shame.  Even just twenty years back the differences were obvious. 

Sorry if I sound on a soapbox, but I always support the little guy, even if it costs extra.  Loosing out another company to another, bigger company to me is just another loss of diversity.  It is why I love Albion and now am even wanting to give Darksword Armoury a chance too.  Same with the other swords I already own that are from "no-name" makers that back their work and love their art.
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