Thing is, that you can type "2 grand US" without batting an eyelash lets me know how much love you have for re-enacting. Good on you, man. I've dropped that much on a sword/scabbard project (twice, but don't tell my wife lol) and the anticipation, the waiting just to get to the right number so I could pull the trigger on this or that sword was maddening!
I almost typed "now that I have pretty much everything I want/need..." and then realized how ridiculous that would sound. For me, its more about calming the knee-jerk reactions whenever I see posts like Allan's or this one and I have to force myself to stay...stay...not now, not yet, other things, other much so, its become somewhat of a mantra. lol
Sir James is particularly insidious when it comes to that...between him, Ed and the rest its a wonder I have anything in my pockets besides lint and candy wrappers.