Main > The Round Table

Satan as god's Judge, not his adversary.

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Sir Wolf:
irish italian... you fight with yourself over what to drink next? lol jkjk i jest... it's what i do


--- Quote from: Corvus on 2013-04-17, 23:36:59 ---
--- Quote from: SirNathanQ on 2013-04-17, 22:04:30 ---
I'm a cradle Catholic too, with an Irish-Italian family (but I take after my mother's German family)

--- End quote ---

Irish-Italian?  You must have a good temper on ya with a bloodline like that laddie!   ;) :)

--- End quote ---

Yes, and the German efficiency and love of warfare to make it dangerous!  ;)

Lord Tristan, no religious argument was perceived or intended.

Haha, and Mr Patricius, I don't think I'm senior to anyone here, only being 18. But as one who would fancy himself a devout follower of the Catholic faith, I suppose I will hold on to my job as Catholic Apologist of the forums... :)

B. Patricius:
Sir Nathan,
first from what I can tell, you are well above your years from posts I've seen thus far on the forums.  I wouldn't have guessed you were a teenager of the current generation.  (that part I'm being serious)

Beyond that boyo, you must be pretty fluent in "hand-speak" too right?  ;D -as I wave my hands about trying to emphasize my post as it just isn't good enough without hands going everywhere- (that part is jk)

Sir Nathan, I must say that I had a similar experience to that which Brother Patricius describes - in that I would never have guessed you to be so young (compared to old geezers like me anyway  ;)) as you are. Your words tell of a wisdom much greater than your years.

Thank you good Gentlemen, I merely strive to be the best knight I can be, in all things.  I must confess myself that I feel little solidarity within my generation, instead feeling camaraderie among the men of old, and those who follow their ways, as do my friends here on this forum.  :)

And Patricius, you know what they say, an Italian with a broken arm is an Italian with a speech impediment.  ;)


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